Tuesday, May 25, 2010

African Essentials - the PH way!

Sure you need the whats-am-a-cal-lit thingy that helps you get rid of the beasts that bite and don't forget the ultimate one and only - Mr USMCR himself endorsed pants and shirt with recoil pads, impregnated with anti lion repellent and body odor eliminating technology!

SERIOUSLY -  the amount of crap I see advertised these days and what's more, clients actually arrive at my cabless cruiser side with most of it, only to find that they hardly use it, they end up leaving it for the trackers who make a useful piece of firewood from it or they end up fumbling around and almost shoot off their PH's head.

I admit, there's nothing more exciting than gearing up for a trip - hell, I do it all the time except it's with beer and food - but I think much of what is touted by the bigwhigs - surely those most experienced of all hunters - the guide book writers who have titles from pen-pushing jobs in the US military - alot of what they sell is for their own pocket, they get paid to do it and although nice to have, there are very few things that you actually need for a safari to Africa - essentials that is.

In this blog I'll share my secrets with you, I'm a plain clothed PH, I don't swagger around with a heavy double rifle although most newbies think this is the only way you're going to kill a buffalo! I don't wear fancy clothes or sleeveless vests, I don't reload or collect my brass, I don't have fancy gear on my truck.

What I do have is success, I get what I'm after for my clients, without any of the fancy shit that Mr USMCR says you need - just plain and simple stuff gets the job done